Monday, May 14, 2012

Alternative Implementation of Call Center

Most call centers needs sophisticated call management software to distribute calls among the call center workers. Asterix and openpbx are few open source alternatives.  Basically the core design in based on proxy/middleware architecture. I am sure this is expensive.

An alternative way to implement the same functionality would be to use say smartphone based apps. Instead of putting your switching logic on the server, the same can be accomplished via the client. The idea is instead of pushing logic into the IVR or call proxy, use the internet connection and the computing power of the smart phone and your normal webserver (in your favorite langauge) handle the logic aspect of the call and then just make the app call the right number for the job. The approach has multiple benefits.
  • Use phone to store the answers to most stupid questions asked like name of the customer, address of the customer, even phone number of the customer, his choice of language and customer specific ids like account number or customer identification number or may be the receipt number etc. No need to waste time. 
  • Even if the stored information is insufficient, you could let the customer enter it on his mobile device instead of doing it over the IVR.
  • Customer can talk to the same guy he talked to earlier and save time. This helps the customer by skipping the context and generates faster response time.
  • No need to buy a special number. Just expose a web API which tells the phone app which number to call based on the information stored in the phone. Put whatever logic you need to put into that web API like .... if customer has called 5 times and the issue is not yet resolved, automatically route the call to the manager. The numbers could be regular mobile numbers or desk phone numbers of the employees. 
  • Very easy for the customer to give feedback. You have complete power of the webapp at your disposal. 
  • Very easy to implement say a work queue....customer simply presses a button and says call me back. Why wait.
Most "customers" already have smartphones and the ones that don't have are going to have them in next few years. By using the internet connection on phones and their computing power, it is possible to build much better customer management solution at fraction of the cost by offloading the "logic" to the app and webapi and use usual phone number to do the actual talking. Somehow we are still stuck in pushing logic into the phone line. 

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Life doesn't teaches us much

Contrary to popular beliefs, I think that life doesn't teaches us much. If it was true, we would have become very much like each other. We are, but then we are not.

I think after a point life simply reinforces what we already know.  

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Patents - Necessary Evil

The deal with patents is fairly simple. Innovate, file patent, get exclusive rights for some period of time on your invention and make money from your invention. Now the problems.

  • Too many patents being filed
  • Too many generic patents 
  • Patent Troll
  • Defensive patents 
In simple terms the problem is uncertainty. I have developed this cool technology and I have no clue if someone already has a patent on it. File stupid patents, because if you don't someone else will and that is a threat. Oops someone sued me, how much do I need to pay to settle this apart from the lawyer fees. Patents add huge variance to predicting costs/profits in business. 

The fix is simple enough - bring certainty and sanity to the patent ecosystem. 

Time is money

The exclusive rights to use your invention is nothing but a way to make money. And the simplest way to fix this is to base exclusiveness on money and not on time. What this means is that at the time of filing patents, you need to put a monetary value on it which tells the worth of the patent. The cost of filing patent would be based on this monetary value (call it patent tax).  This has two important repercussions.
  • Patent Troll is controlled because a finite value is attached to patent. Irrespective of how patents are "sold" to others for use, total payout cannot exceed the declared value of the patent. 
  • Stupid patents are avoided because you need to attach monetary value which will be taxed. Unless you are sure that patent is worth that value, you probably don't want to waste money on it.
I guess what I am talking about is making patents a market where patents can be purchased/used to  make life  better on planet by figuring out a way to attach monetary value to patents instead of finding it out through expensive court battles. This makes the process efficient and reduces uncertainty and provide value to both the inventor and the user of the technology. The idea as I understood was always to reward the inventor and never to prevent others from using it. Preventing other from using it is just a way to reward the inventor, but not the only way.  If we can find alternative ways for ensuring the same, we can perhaps bring some sanity to the system so that both the inventor and society as a whole can benefit from the invention at reasonable costs, predictably. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ford Mantra

I have been driving Ford for eight years now. I like the car, but spare parts are stupidly expensive. I wanted to get the windscreen changed, but thought against it when I was told the price. Rs 9000. Compare that to windscreen cost of Skoda Rapid - Rs 3600. Now that is hell lot of difference.

What does that tells us about Ford Business Model? Sell cheap cars. Make money on spare parts and services. Which again brings me to the old dilemma of choice in capitalism - namely you don't have a choice after you make a choice.

I think some rule like cost of all parts put together in the car cannot be more than the price of car would probably help bringing some sanity to the system. If everyone needs to go through this experience to learn it then Ford surely has a very bright future. I think the statement, "You can fool some of the people some of the time, all people some of the time, some people all the time but not all people all the time" is missing a crucial component. The component is people have finite life times. Then the game starts all over again. If new generations don't listen to the old generation, the cycling of fooling can run indefinitely because people continue to be replaced by new people.  

Fundamentally this is all about frequency of choice.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Two Favorite Patterns in C

The first one is for error handling.

#define IfTrue(x, level, format, ... )          \
if (!(x)) {                                    \
   LOG(level, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)          \
     goto OnError;                              \

This is the simplest way of simulating try/catch in c. Yeah it uses goto and is a bad programming practice and what not, but it makes c code beautiful and understandable. Take a look at the code below for creating a server connection below. These code samples are from cacheismo.

connection_t  connectionServerCreate(u_int16_t port, char* ipAddress, connectionHandler_t* handler) {
connectionImpl_t* pC = ALLOCATE_1(connectionImpl_t);
IfTrue(pC, ERR, "Error allocating memory");
pC->fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
IfTrue(pC->fd > 0, ERR, "Error creating new socket");
         int flags = fcntl(pC->fd, F_GETFL, 0);
         IfTrue(fcntl(pC->fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == 0,
    ERR, "Error setting non blocking");
memset((char*) &pC->address, 0, sizeof(pC->address));
pC->address.sin_family        = AF_INET;
pC->address.sin_addr.s_addr   = INADDR_ANY;
pC->address.sin_port          = htons(port);
if (ipAddress) {
pC->address.sin_addr.s_addr  = inet_addr(ipAddress);
IfTrue(bind(pC->fd, (struct sockaddr *) &pC->address,sizeof(pC->address)) == 0,  ERR, "Error binding");
IfTrue(listen(pC->fd, DEFAULT_BACKLOG) == 0,  ERR, "Error listening");
pC->isServer = 1;
pC->CH = handler;
goto OnSuccess;
if (pC) {
pC = 0;
return pC;

It is a linear code. This avoids multiple exist points and repetitive error handling code. Less nesting of "if" blocks makes it easy to follow the code. Error handling/cleanup happens in the end and is common for all possible errors in the function, which also means less code.

The second pattern I use often is opaque objects.

typedef void* chunkpool_t;

chunkpool_t  chunkpoolCreate(u_int32_t maxSizeInPages);
void         chunkpoolDelete(chunkpool_t chunkpool);
void*        chunkpoolMalloc(chunkpool_t chunkpool, u_int32_t size);
void         chunkpoolFree(chunkpool_t  chunkpool, void* pointer);

Almost every type is opaque. What does it accomplishes? Freedom. Freedom to change the implementation of the objects because rest of the code only uses functions to access the object and doesn't knows how object is actually implemented.  This also forces me to think hard about what should be the minimal interface for accessing this object because it is painful to keep writing new methods.  I use this for almost all objects except objects whose only job is to be containers of data and no functionality.

I do use function pointers when they make sense, but that would be a topic for another post. Writing high performance software is fun, but making sure it is easy to code and easy to change makes the journey pleasant.