Saturday, March 20, 2021

WTF is social? Brands

This blog is part of a series.  WTF is social?  Using Human Completeness as the core ability of the human brain, we examine various facets of social life and how communication technology and size of social circle,  impact our ability to be socially effective.


Consider branding. One goal of branding is of course being distinct enough, distinguishable but the other part of branding is something like human, trustable, predictable. We trust brands - cheapest, strong, stylish, cute, inspiring, ethical, quality, etc. This is close to insane because Brand is not a person at all. It is a system with bunch of people, many of them not even employed by the company that owns the brand. And this mix of people is not even static. Everyday new people join and retire from these companies, but still we understand them, trust them, as if they were a "person". And that is simply the essence of branding. Brand is like a mini ideology, a coherent value system which seems predictable and relatable, just like a person one has known for a while. And why does it works? Because brains are hardwired to understand people not concepts. Yes people don't understand logic, they don't understand math and they don't understand the power of compounding and they don't understand the traffic rules or tax laws, but it is hard to find people who don't understand other people. To be a brand then is to just behave/appear like a person simply because that is all what all humans brains are designed to understand.   

This makes Richard Branson the smartest person in the world. To make a great brand, just behave like a person, any likeable, enviable, predictable person. Brands exist because of the social brain, which can decide and compare, considering a myriad of factors, of not only the brand, but also its reputation in his own social circle. It might sound as if I am trivialising the problem, but that is not the case. Just look at the size and complexity of the hammer I am using. Social involves suggesting Pareto optimal solutions (Preto optimal means that no member of the group can be made any better unless someone in the group suffers) and finding Nash equilibrium (Nash equilibrium exists in a game when no member can better results by changing his strategy given everyone knows everyone else's strategy) for incomparable and differently valued things all the time. It is possible because everyone knows the full utility function with great granularity for perhaps 150 other people.  

Celebrity Brands should be a thing. It is the most natural kind, easy acceptable to social brain. 

Next: Media and Politics

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